416-921-6112, open Tues - Sat. Noon - 5 pm and call for after hours appointment

Take a Walk on the Wildside


Alejandro Jodorowsky, Patricia Aldridge and Robert Taicher
Private Karaoke Party at Wildside

These two fabulous producer/writer directors came to Toronto for the Madness and Mysticism film festival at the Bloor Cinema. Jaymz Bee asked
"Would you like to visit the CN Tower, Casa Loma or go to a Karaoke Night at Wildside?"
Guess what - they chose the Karaoke Night at Wildside!
Thank you to all the guests who showed up at a moments notice for this impromptu affair.
You really helped to make it a success!!!

Alejandro, Paddy and Robert

Robert Taicher
Bob sand the song her wrote and performed in his new movie
"Shut Yer Dirty Little Mouth"

When it was her turn, Enza rose to the occasion

Bob and Alejandro were delighted!

Trying hard to please - here's a group number -
Ruth (Wildside guest from Ireland), Paddy, Philip Cairns (star of Drag Queens Talk About Their Vaginas - opening at the Wildside Theater in late October) and Kerri

Bob, Seraphim (Star of My Name Is Not Barbra), Alejandro and Jaymz Bee

Jaymz - a fabulous performer

Duets - ever popular - Here's Jaymz and Bob

Jaymz and Paddy (Owner of Wildside)

The gorgeous Mila and girlfriend and Karaoke Star Tammy

Gee it was great to see Mysti again - Mysti's performed her own music

Designer Nikki Nichols and blue-eyed pet

Not all Karaoke is pretty - Paddy and Philip

Thankfully there is pretty stuff to balance the not-pretty stuff.
Here's Kate!

Kate and Kerri

To get away from it all here's Ruth and Nikki in the kitchen
Do you notice the new kitchen floor - Thank you Kerri!!!!!

As usual, the audience was spellbound by Seraphim's incredible singing

Philip Cairns is an artist too - check his art out

Mysti has some fabulous original tranny songs!

Ruth, Philip, Kerri

Seraphim and Virginia

Thank you Tammy for helping this night!!!!